Maxi Cage
Reliance has developed our own “Maxi Cage” which allows for greater floor space per bird at 5 birds per opening ,500cm2. this new system also confirms to the guidelines as set out by the South African Code of Practice.
In our observation we are seeing improved bird comfort, and feathering.
In hot climates we are seeing birds that are very comfortable, and the feathering is very good. (feather loss or pecking is minimised)
Built here in our factory, with all the high-quality material and standards that our customers know.
When you are next in the market for new laying equipment consider MAXI.
Ziggity Systems USA is the only company worldwide to manufacture an exclusive male and female drinker with the benefits seen in installations in many grower facilities.
How does it work?
Firstly, the drinker by design is three times larger than any conventional broiler drinker. Much more durable with an oversized trigger. The oversized drinker is designed to facilitate the larger breeder bird. Also, the drinker is designed so that sufficient water is available when the bird drinks.
The female drinker has a “shield” which prevents the male from having access, and the male drinker is suspended at the correct height, closest to the male feeder.
The enhanced design features are producing results that growers are all talking about.
Consider the Ziggity Male and female drinker when next buying a drinking system.
Codav has a new home.
We are very pleased to confirm that Reliance is now importing directly from Italy. This well accepted feeder is installed in many facilities in our country, as feeding system and spare parts.
We are now able to supply and support your immediate needs for service, new systems and parts.
Time to get off “The Perch”, and we look forward to receiving your call for dependable Reliance service in the future.