From The Perch

Re conditioning

In our factory we are re – conditioning poultry equipment. The results have been very exciting, and from when some “used” equipment arrives for re – conditioning to the final result, we see a new lease on life on equipment which otherwise would have been discarded.

If you are considering replacing equipment why not give us a call and let’s evaluate if re – conditioning is possible.

Custom built trollies

With our fabrication abilities, we are manufacturing all types of trollies for on farm use, from hatching egg trollies to freezer trollies, and storage trollies. This has added a new dynamic to what we are capable of in our factory, and we look forward to being of service.

Drinker special

We are presently offer Ziggity “Gold” drinkers at a price which will certainly be attractive to any of our Ziggity customers who are considering replacement of drinkers. Please remember we do hold a large amount of Ziggity spare parts, and you are able to purchase individual parts for drinkers if this should ever be necessary. Please call us to get a price on our drinker special or spare parts.

Eliturbo Circulation Fans

Reliance is very pleased to be the exclusive dealers for Eliturbo products. The unique feature of this ventilator is that the design allows for air to be drawn from the ceiling and ground level, mixing the air in the central part of the circulator and exhausting it horizontally. The air is gently distributed without causing positive air movement over the livestock, resulting in good floor distribution of the chicks, and creating very good quality of air. In brooding Eliturbo is proving to be most effective as the air distribution feature creates even air flow and resulting in even heat throughout the building. Results have proved that the evenness of air distribution enhances chick production and influences the reduction in heating costs.

Give us a call so we may arrange a demonstration of this unique ventilation concept.

Until our next edition, we look forward to communication with from the “Perch”.

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